The 2024 Tree of Sharing Season Has Begun!
Tags are available online and at all three local malls and will
need to be returned to any mall location by December 15.
Mall Tables Hours
11:00 am - 7:00 pm (Mon-Sat)
11:00 am - 6:30 pm (Sunday)
River Park Square
Located on the first floor near the South entrance, between the escalators and Pottery Barn, near Santa Claus and the former Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.
This year our River Front Park Square Mall will be coordinated by longtime volunteers Carol & Al Gauper. Please contact them directly if you would like to volunteer at the River Park Square Mall table.
Pottery Barn
Northtown Mall
Our NorthTown Mall location has changed from previous years. We are now located on the first floor of the mall, just inside the South entrance. Our table is located just west of the escalators, between Barnes and Nobles and the Verizon store, in front of Marshall's.
This year our Northtown Mall will be coordinated by longtime volunteers Leann & Chad Kaufman. Please contact them directly if you would like to volunteer at the Northtown Mall table.
Spokane Valley Mall
Located on the first floor near the West entrance to the mall, at the bottom of the escalators near the former Sears store and adjacent to Thomas Hammer Coffee.
This year our Spokane Valley Mall will be coordinated by longtime mall coordinators Linda Harrison & Russ Menke. Please contact them directly if you would like to volunteer at the Spokane Valley Mall table.